DIY Vanity Mirror

Creating my own Mirrored Vanity was fun and interesting. Very easy process.

Items Used
Mirrored console
Lights (set of two)
Mirror (Lowes)
Light bulbs (Lowes)
Extension Cords (set of two)
Plugs and Light Switch
Command strips
Electrical tape

I mentioned that this process is easy.  Installing the lights were super easy.  Amazon's extension cords are made already cut exposing the wire that is needed to connect to your lights.


-Remove the the front plate of the lights to expose the wires.

-After the wires are exposed get prepared to attach the extension cord to the wires.

-The extension cords that were purchased from Amazon makes it easy.  The wires are already exposed.  All is needed is to connect them.

-After connecting, for safety reasons use the orange "wire protectors" that came with your lights.

-Once done, tape the wires down inside.
I also taped the "wire protectors"

-Put the top back on and screw in your bulbs.

When adding your lights to your mirror.  I recommend using the screws that came with your lights. I say this because the command strips don't work for the lights. Granted the command strips would be easier but your lights will fall (trial and error). They work fine with the mirror, I recommend using a good amount.

-Add your extension cords to the plugs that you purchased 
And BOOM we have lights!!!!!

Lastly decorate your vanity as you please.  Adding shelves makes it look less cluttered. 

It's just that simple.  I also advise checking out YouTube for some ideas as well.

"Let the world see you smile."


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