I'm Scared Y'all
I am admitting it. After the elections for the first time in my life I am worried about the state of our country. What is going to happen with this horrible man being in office? The fear is real. You can already seen the change and he hasn't even served his first day yet. Is this really fear or is it anger? I am scared but I am even more angry, angry at the fact that we were afforded an opportunity to vote and there were some who didn't take advantage. They felt like neither candidate should be President, which I understand but we only had two choices. I wasn't feeling any candidate either but I ride for Hiliary. I rode for her not just because I wouldn't dare pick Trump. I rode for her because she had the experience it took to run the country. Trump has none. I rode for her because I knew what she stood for, Trump didn't stand for too much of anything but hate. I wonder how the rest of the world sees us at th...