I'm Scared Y'all

I am admitting it.  After the elections for the first time in my life I am worried about the state of our country.  What is going to happen with this horrible man being in office?  The fear is real.  You can already seen the change and he hasn't even served his first day yet.  Is this really fear or is it anger? I am scared but I am even more angry, angry at the fact that we were afforded an opportunity to vote and there were some who didn't take advantage.  They felt like neither candidate should be President, which I understand but we only had two choices.  I wasn't feeling any candidate either but I ride for Hiliary.  I rode for her not just because I wouldn't dare pick Trump.  I rode for her because she had the experience it took to run the country.  Trump has none.  I rode for her because I knew what she stood for,  Trump didn't stand for too much of anything but hate.  I wonder how the rest of the world sees us at this point.  Our country has become so watered down that a celebrity with no experience at anything is our future President.  Are we at this point easy pickings?

I took my right to vote seriously as many others did for this election.  I understood how important this election was not just for me but for those who are not allowed or able to vote.  So to hear someone say that they didn't vote but they have something to say after the election pisses me off.  If you didn't stand in that line and use the opportunity to make your voice heard you voice should be silent now.  I have a co-worker who stayed she wasn't going to vote because of her religion, which I understood, but she said she voted for Obama and she wasn't baptized so it confused me.  I will never disrespect someone's beliefs but isn't it like a double negative?  All the while I understood and didn't press the issue.  What losses me off with her is the day after the election I and so many others were angry and hurt and confused.  The comments that she made as a non-voter bothered me and confused me.  I allowed her to speak and I decided to ignore the foolishness.  As the day progressed it continued.  I said she didn't vote right? Oh not to mention she is on Public Assistance? Out of the blue I hear "Fuck Hiliary,  I'm glad Trump one." *blank stare*.  My anger and rage got the best of me and I told her to SHUT UP!!! I reminded her she didn't vote so who ever one you had nothing to do with it. Her response is that she can say what ever she wanted... No you can't... You didn't vote. Further more,  you know how you are talking about keeping your rent the same,  the goes down the tube like your vote.  Your son will be starting college next year.  His hopes and dreams goes down the tube like your vote did.  Did o feel bad for how I said it? Yes.  Do Intel bad for what I said.  No.  She apologized because she didn't realize that this person in office will take away things that she uses.  This also had me wondering.. Is this how people see us?  Ignorant, and uninformed? 

The next day Hiliary Clinton had her press congress and while I couldn't watch it. I did catch President Obama's press conference via Facebook.  Every time I hear him speak I am proud to say he is my President.  I knew this is an end of so much hard work and dedication. Eight years of fighting a battle that he refuse to defeat him.  I made a comment during that time on Facebook stating that we are going from class to a hot mess.  President Obama will forever be my President.  I never responded to any other post.  I said my peace and kept it pushing. My notifications popped up on my phone and there were two comments came from to of the most ignorant assholes I have ever come across.  I guess you will have to get off of welfare and get a job.  I literally scratched my head in confusion.  How do you equate what I said to welfare? I responded with this was my personal message and I didn't chime in on anyone else's comments and told this person to mind their business.  I also work every damn day.  The second comment was you work but you have to give up your food stamp card.  Pretty much my response was shit your dumb ass up.  Which leads me to another question,  why is it that people use places like Facebook to say stupid nasty things?

I view different post online and I like to read the comments some I just read and shake my head others I may respond.  Never had I ever took that time to be mean or nasty or disrespectful to anyone.  There is a way to respond and not be a dick.  If you ever get a chance read comments on certain post pertaining to Trump or Clinton, or any of the racist foolishness that have been going on in just the past few days.  It's disgusting.

I saw a post where Trump supports say just give him a chance.  I can give him a chance if he stands up as a man and says how he handled his campaign was wrong.  I will give him a chance if he says to all of those people he offended I'm sorry.  I will give him a chance if he said to all that follow him and are out here attacking people because they think that's what "Make America Great Again"means this is the time to kill all Niggers, Jews and anyone who doesn't look like them.  Tell them that's not what you meant. Tell them that you did and said things that you really didn't mean just to win the election.   I will give him a chance if he apologizes for all of the dickhead comments he made toward women, different ethnicities, different religions, the handicapped.  I will give him a chance if he really has a realistic plan.  But what I know is this, he won't do that.  He is a little boy,  his pride won't let him say it.  So he will never be my President.

For all of those uneducated, poor rednecks who thought by electing Trump you were going to get a come up.  I can't wait until he proves you wrong.  Trump has never cared about the poor, he has never broken bread with someone who had way less than he has.  Trump is for himself, the rich and upper middle class. Good luck on your come up.  

I'm still nervous about him being president.  His skin is so thin.  How do we know that if someone says something that he doesn't like that we will be going to war.  I pray he actually wants this job and he doesn't quit because it's too hard.  But if he does... COOL



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