New Ideas

Hey All,

You know I looked at my last posting and realized I haven't blogged since July.  What the heck have I been doing? Sheesh.  I want to come up with some really cool ideas for my blog.  I don't want to just post about makeup, hair and fashion.  Truth be told beauty is so much more than that.  Don't get me wrong I still love my makeup and fashion and all that jazz, and I will be posting more creative things. I just want my blog to be a bit more diverse.  I want to post a little more than what I have been doing. I want to come up with different things to do through out the week.  Here is what I have dancing around in my mind....

Makeup Monday's - Posting different makeup looks

Tryout Tuesday's - (I just made that up... LOL). I would probably just review certain products that I may have purchased and just give my thoughts of them.

Workout Wednesday's - I recently got into DIY's. So maybe different DIY ideas.

Throwback Thursday's - Don't know yet.. LOL.

Friday Foolishness - Me ranting about foolishness that has worked my nerve through the week.  Just might start that today 😬. I think I might rant on here and my snapchat... We will see.

I need some good ideas.  So feel free to throw some my way.

Bye for now,


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