Friday Rant (Part 1) Not Everything Requires A Response

I've been sick this week so I didn't do my postings like I wanted to.  I will try again next week... Lol.  being a girl sometimes is rough

Anyway... Here is what I don't understand.  Why is it that people find a need to comment on other peoples lives. Not everything requires a comment, some things can be left unsaid.  Have y'all ever looked at YouTube and hair went through people's comments on other people.  The mean and nasty things that people type.  I don't get it.

Just not to long ago I was watching a young lady on YouTube speak about how members of her family did her wrong.  I wanted to just say something to her that is comforting.  I normally don't post anything in the comment sections, But if something touched my heart I say something. I left a comment giving advice after and saying I don't normally comment.  Right on queue, a girl responds to my comment and says well if you don't comment then why watch.  My first thought was REALLY?.. Everything doesn't require a response. Some things can require a pop in the forehead though.   LOL..

Help me understand what posses you to watch all the videos on a persons channel just so can leave a nasty comment. If you don't like the person or their content then why bother?  Why is it a need to hide behind a computer and be a bully? For What? It doesn't make sense to me

There are two particular YouTubers out there that I watch faithfully, (im not going to mention their names). Recently there was some backlash in regards to some comments posted on their Twitter pages. These post had to be from a few years back. Apparently someone has a lot of time on their hands.  They went through these post and decided to send the screen shots to a popular gossip site.  Some have gone as far as contacting sponsors so that they won't work with these girls anymore.  For what? What was the point in that?  Are you telling me that in your life you never made a mistake of posting something that you may regret later? Do you really hate a person you hardly know that bad to try to destroy what they have built? That makes no sense to me.

Here is a little advice... WORRY ABOUT YOU. A person that you have never met in your life cannot affect your life that much. I always see stuff like oh she thinks she is better than everybody else. This, that and the third.  When actually you think that she is better than you.  Rather than improving yourself you rather knock them down to be on your same level.  It doesn't work that way. Life doesn't my work that way.  The only person that can block your blessings is you.  Stop worrying about what someone else is doing, worry about you.  

I honestly feel bad for the young ladies that are going through this foolishness.  They are apologizing for their actions and they shouldnt have to.  I applaud you for standing up and taking ownership of a mistake.  Now those that have so much to say should follow your lead.

"Let the world see you smile."


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