Missing in Action

Sheesh.... The last post for me was Feb. 20th.  Dang, a sistah has been slacking.  I kept saying to myself I am going to blog at least twice a month and it seems as if life has taken over.  I promise I am going to work on blogging more.

What in the world have I been doing for the last few months?   Working like a slave... I had a goal in mind, it was to get the hell out the work situation I was in. From day one that place was awful.  The lack of professionalism there blew my mind.  GHETTO!!!!! This was upper management.  You know your job ghetto when your first day the director of another department comes in a room and uses big words that you know doesn't match with what she saying... The worse.  I couldn't figure out why some of the older women there were so rude and nasty.. It was the worse. I stuck
It out for as long as I could.  I had to get out. I don't know about anyone else but on your first day at a job, you should never be told that you should start looking for a job immediately... WTF?

You ever been in a situation where you felt like a caged bird that just wanted to be free? That was me.. I came from a very relaxed environment, so going into a situation where I was constantly bring micro-managed, and having 10 million unnecessary rules was not working for me.  Since they told us on day one.. "Make this place a stepping stone, not career, I did just that. Updating my resume and applying like crazy.

I got the call that said I just love your resume and the chance of you getting the job is contingent on you passing the background check... GOD is AWESOME because I passed.  I put in my notice that day... Deuces.... Ha...

So that's what I have been doing.  Getting myself acquainted with my new surroundings and I love it.  It's peaceful.  Little to no supervision. No annoying people...Awesome.

I promised myself I am going to get back into my blogging.  I have a lot to share. Y'all know I stay shopping... Plus my bday is coming up. Another trip to Vegas is coming.... Aaaaaaahhhhhhh...


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