Early Bday Gifts


My bday is coming up in a few days.  I have yet to come up with any ideas of what I want to do... Sucks... I have been so focused on everyone else I didn't think of what I wanted to do... Maybe a nice dinner with the boo... *blank stare* oh wait no real boo... Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! I will figure something out.

I did go shopping though and picked up a few things...

I found these.... I figured they would be an awesome gift for my bday... Since I don't like waiting on stuff.. I got it myself...
I live for these.. You can see me sitting poolside in Vegas looking cuuuuuutttteee with these on.. Right? (Excuse my edges natural girl problems...humidity makes them curl...)

I found them on quayaustralia.com... 

I was out the other day... Just taking a stroll and went into Michael Kors.... Damn, damn damn... Lol... Sales get you every time...

Cute.... My bday... Lol.. My Mom said I deserve to treat myself... I doooooooo!!! 

Is it petty that I want to wait until my bday  to wear it?


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