Glitter Bomb

A couple a nights ago I was sitting around thinking of something to do.  I had just purchased some glitter from BH Cosmetics and decided to try them out.  I had never worn glitter before, I figured I would give it a shot.  I also purchased the 80's palette from BH Cosmetics to play with.

Brows -NYX eyebrow kit
            -Girl/Boy eyebrow Gel (MAC)
            -NW25 Concealer (MAC)

Eyes   -Lightest shade of pink (Transition Color)
          -Purple in the crease
            -Silver on the lid

Face  -LA Girls Pro Concealer (Under Eye Highlight and Contour)
           -Studio Fix Powder Foundation (MAC)
           -Bronzer/Blush Duo (Forever 21)

Lips    -Magenta Lip Liner (MAC)
            -Clear Gloss

Here is what I used for my eyes.....

This was a pretty easy, fun look to create.....when boredom strikes....beat your

I picked up a few more things from BH Cosmetics....I will probably show later...


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