New Years Resoultions 2015
Happy New Years!!!!!!
Happy New Years everyone. I hope this year will be good to you all. Lots of Laughs, Love, and all your dreams you work hard to come true. As I reflect back on last year, I remember saying that I would be glad that 2014 will be over. I felt as if 2014 was the worst year for me. I felt that last year bought me tons of disappointments and hurts.
February 27, 2014
February 27, 2014, I got a call from my sister saying that my mom had a heart attack. All I could think about that day was getting to her and praying that she was OK. I think that moment left me fragile. You never really think of losing your parents until that moment comes. You always think that they would live forever. When she was finally released from the hospital my first thoughts is she is finally home, and I want to protect her from everything. Thank God she is doing GREAT!!!! She is my backbone and is the most supportive of me in all of my choices.
March 12, 2014
March 12, 2014, I talk about this time a lot. Two weeks after my mom's heart attack. I go to work that morning like normal. You ever had a feeling something was not right but you can't pin point what it is? That day my feelings came to light. After 8 years of hard work and dedication, our CEO tells us that the doors of the company were closing... NO WARNING!!!! NO NOTHING!!!!. That day I think we were all so confused and devastated. We were not just losing out on a job, but you were losing close friends that you saw everyday. We spent more time together than we spent with our own families. There was tears of hurt and sadness. Until you get home and you start to think about the situation and how everything took place. You start to put things together in your head, and hear words like, "Oh yea by the way, no last check, no severance", that hurt and sadness turns into ANGER!!! The people that you worked so hard for at the end they didn't work hard for you at all.
These two dates were significant to me for the year 2014. They changed me. I realized that my "hard exterior I had built up all these years had crumbled. I had turned into an emotional hot mess...LOL. I would be crying one minute, and angry the mess. As I sat on New Year's Eve thinking, thank GOD it's finally over, I realized that 2014 really did change me, but for the better, and maybe 2014 wasn't so bad. My mom is awesome. During my unemployment anything I needed she was there for me. My family is awesome, they had my back through the entire time. All of my family members are healthy and happy, and that's all I can ask for. Yes I am still pissed off about my job, but the layoff came as a blessing. I have a new job where I think will eventually lead me to something GREAT!!!! Although I am not where I was before everything, I am where I need to be. These dates are significant to me, and they have showed me to that I should never settle and stay complacent. While I am not one for making New Years Resolutions, I did take the time to set some goals for myself.
- Continue my relationship with GOD
- Live
- Laugh
- Love
- Spend more time with family
- Continue being creative
- Think Positive
- Find a better job making more COINS!!!!
- Never Settle
- Put more time to my blog
- Start putting more into my love for makeup
To be continued........I think you can always add to a list of Goals.
Happy New Years everyone. Continue to be GREAT!!!!!
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