Blurred Lines....

So Labor Day weekend my sister and I along with a few friends got together and just hung out.  We got to talking about guys....of course.  One of the topics that we came across had something to do with guys making comments about what is natural on a female and what a female should and should not wear in their hair, or on their faces.

This leads me to this..... Blurred Lines... Are men way too feminine than they should be?

Back in the day, you never saw "Men" worrying about what a woman did, who she is sleeping with, how much makeup they are wearing, or if her hair is natural or relaxed.  That wasn't their concern, as long as you looked nice when you went out he didn't care what you did to get this way.  These days "Men" are a different breed.  They are jumping into fights with women, making unnecessary comments about makeup, hair, and clothes.  Dude Shut up!!!

When did we get to the point where "Men" are gossiping about who a woman is sleeping with?  Case in point, Benzino (Love & Hip Hop ATL), this guy really sat around with 2 other "Men" and gossiped about who Joseline may or may not have had sex with.  Guys really?   Normally I point and giggle, but in this case he was doing way too much.  Benzino definitely, turned into Benzina.  Horrible!!!! You are some what of a grown man and you gossiping like a 14 year old girl.  What is wrong with this generation.

The comments on social media (FaceBook and Instagram) guys feel the need to comment on some of your beauty bloggers/vloggers on how much makeup they wear.  Your not natural, I bet you are so pretty without all that makeup on.  HUH? Firstly, who asked you?  Not one soul.  When pictures are posted on social media it's because we want to show how creative we are, and makeup is our art of choice.  The post are not for you to jump in and leave your opinion (girls y'all need to stop that mess to) on how we should look.  Yeah your girl might be "all natural" but the truth, just because they are not rocking weaves, or not wearing makeup doesn't mean your girl is all natural.  All women find ways to hide things they don't like and show off the things that they love. Point, Blank, Period.

So today's lesson guys, be guys.  Sit back and enjoy that your woman or any woman for that matter, takes pride in what she looks like.  How would you feel if you posted a pic of yourself and someone jumped in and said "you would look good if your hairline wasn't behind your ear".  "You would be sexy if you would do something about the size of your small penis".

Guys, be MEN.  Stop sitting around talking about what a woman should or should not be doing.  Stop talking about who she is sleeping with, or what she does with her snatch.  Worry about your girl, she might be doing what you claiming the next chick is doing...just sayin... Stay in your lane, mind your business.  Stop acting like you bleed on a monthly, and you can bare children.  In other words..... HAVE SEVERAL SEATS!!!! 

What y'all think, are "Men" to feminine?


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